May 23rd Pipe Club Meeting
May 13, 2024
June 27th Pipe Club Meeting
June 15, 2024Join us for our 2nd Thursday of the Month Pipe Club Meeting.
This meeting is our business meeting, where we cover any club-related items, vote on agenda items if necessary, and cover any updates about the Texas Pipe Show. Additionally, if we have specific tobacco to share that was donated to the club, we may smoke a sample and do a review onsite.
Most club meetings are relaxed though and we're not voting on any primary topics.
Join the relaxed Austin atmosphere where our members are laid back and happy to share a bowl with you and chat and educate.
These Thursday Meetings
are also where we may schedule trunk shows where a vendor may stop by with tobacco, pipes or both. We usually spend time talking to the distributors and resellers ahead of time and provide ample information and time to make sure you can schedule to attend.
"Attending a pipe club meeting is your chance to try out new tobaccos, see interesting pipes and get educated about the local pipe scene here in Austin Texas."
One of the primary items that the Austin Pipe Club does is provide pipe education in the form of pre-planned seminars where newcomers can learn all there is to know about pipes and pipe tobacco.
Some examples of future seminars are:
Pipe restoration
Regional Pipes (American, Danish, Italian, English)
Specific carver/factory (Pete’s, Savinelli, Briarworks)
Pipe Shapes
Pipe Finishes (Rusticated, Sandblast, Smooth)
Button styles (fishtail, P-lip, the killer button from Silver Grey that you have)
Stem styles (push tenon, stinger, screw tenon, army mount, etc.)
Stem materials (Acrylic, vulcanite, horn, amber,etc.)
Pipe Collecting Strategies
Tobacco Themes