Join us for our 2nd Thursday of the Month Pipe Club Meeting.
This meeting is our business meeting, where we cover any club-related items, vote on agenda items if necessary, and cover any updates about the Texas Pipe Show.
Join us for our 4th Thursday of the Month Pipe Club Meeting.
This meeting is our non-business related meeting at Pipeworld on Anderson Lane. The meeting space is smaller and because it's our second meeting of the month attendence can be less. But because of its location it captures a different segment of the Austin club members who are more opt to travel there than Habana House.
Join us for our 2nd Thursday of the Month Pipe Club Meeting.
This meeting is our business meeting, where we cover any club-related items, vote on agenda items if necessary, and cover any updates about the Texas Pipe Show.
Join us for our 2nd Thursday of the Month Pipe Club Meeting.
This meeting is our business meeting, where we cover any club-related items, vote on agenda items if necessary, and cover any updates about the Texas Pipe Show.